Copyright © Indigodruid 1986-2015

(32" X 40", acrylic on canvas, 1995)
BuddhaVision was inspired by my three year old daughter, Kira, sitting naked in front of the television, enraptured by the luminous glow.

(38" X 28", oil on canvas, 1986)
"Change" is an exploration of the agony and ecstasy of personal and spiritual growth, It was painted in my sophomore year at Oregon State University. It is also one of only two paintings I have ever sold.

(acrylic on canvas, 1995)
The day after the bombing in Oklahoma City, someone called a bomb threat into my daughter's daycare center. I went to class that night and could think of nothing else. This is the result.

The Sigil
(32" X 32", acrylic on canvas, 1995)
I remember when my father decided to start a church, sitting in the livingroom with him looking in Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition, and looking up various icons of the worlds religions. That night I went to my room and designed what has become my personal sigil. It was never adopted by my father, but I still use it as the symbol for the Temple of the First Cause.

The Egg
(32" X 42", acrylic on canvas, 1997)
I grew up with the art of Leonard Diamond. He once gave me a lesson in which he had me draw an egg balanced on an overturned styrofoam cup set on a plain white piece of paper. As I drew, he described how he always started with an egg whenever he picked up a new medium. After seeing Leonard for the last time before he died of cancer, I got up at midnight with this image in my head....

Roads not Taken
(30" X 24", acrylic on canvas, 1997)

Wedding Ring
(34" X 34", acrylic on canvas, 1994)
I painted this just as my wife and I were starting to seriously practice polyamory. It is one of my favorites.

Boundaries of Perception
(36" X 30", acrylic on canvas, 1986-93)
Although I was not consciously aware of what I was trying to describe when I finished this painting, it reflects my soul's affinity with formal systems, the ability to float from paradigm to paradigm while standing outside the system.

Off the Path
(32" X 42", acrylic on canvas, 1998)

Lady of the Lake
(62" X 42", acrylic on canvas, 1998)
I was inspired by a photograph taken of Kat as she emerged from Fallen Leaf Lake (near Tahoe).

The Fencer
(32" X 42", acrylic on canvas, 2001)
This piece is the only commision I have ever done. I struggled to find the composition that flowed from an imposed subject (fencing) but also from my personal inner vision.

(42" X 32", acrylic on canvas, 2006)
This work took me three years to finish. It is also the first time I have recorded the intermediate images of a work in progress. I have found that people react to it strongly in many directions.

Speed Of Light Dreams
(42" X 32", acrylic on canvas, 2009)
This work took me two years to finish....with love my dear.
Inspired by a Julie Miller song