The following is a description of Leonard Diamond's process. It is a transcription of a handout that he provided to customers.
Ink Dot Prints
Since 1972
The models for these prints are on exhibit at the Hall of Science's, Golden Gate Park (Mountain Lion, Eagle Head, Great Horned Owl), the Oakland Museum (Prairie Falcon, River Otter), and Fleishhacker Zoo (Bison) Where I have done up to nineteen detailed pencil drawings of the subject.
The best of these drawings are traced in outline with light pencil on to the final ink paper. Outlining areas in dots, I erase the light pencil guides as soon as possible. With constant visual reference to the pencil drawing, I begin the dotting process. Using Castell drafting pens (000) (0) (1), and three magnifying glasses, this technique requires three hundred to five hundred hours for one original.
I take the finished ink dot drawing to a printer, where it is photographed, the negative used to make a metal plate that prints nine hundred copies on one of the finest papers available.
The prints are then placed in a standard size black oval matte ready for framing.
This ink dot method allows for a texture, depth, and warmth that black and white drawings rarely achieve. The precision involved in terms of actual time and effort lends itself to an intensely personal characterization of each subject.
And you are right, They are good!
Leonard Diamond 737 Bush St. #B1 San Francisco. CA 94108